


I have studied and created art all my life.  Drawing was my first passion and I believe it to be fundamental to any art practice, it helps you to see in ways that words cannot express.  Over the years I have moved into Printmaking, Painting, Photography and now Ceramics.  You can view my other artworks here.  For a few years I have been experimenting with various materials and ideas, all the while evolving and refining my techniques and skills to produce the pieces you see on this site.  I am drawn to the organic nature of these shapes and forms. Living on the beautiful Northern Beaches of Sydney I am inspired everyday by the awesomeness of the natural world.
Sydney Gallery School was where I studied Fine Art majoring in Painting and Photography and I have Drawing and Printmaking Certificates from East Sydney.  I have completed many courses both here and overseas over the years.  As well as having my own art practice I teach art to school students.  I know how creating art makes me feel and see first hand with my students how transformative art can be.  With that in mind I developed this concept of inviting the owner of these pieces to become the artist by layering and changing the styles and shapes of these vases.  My intention is to engage the owner and encourage a sense of play.  I believe everyone is an artist if you allow yourself to be.  
Thank you for visiting.